IDEA – Independent Dealer Executive Academy
- Provides the training every Dealer Principal must have to possess the tactics necessary to achieve benchmark performance in Sales, Service and Finance/Administrative functions.
- This training is a must for all Dealer Principals, Dealer General Management and Dealer executives with cross functional responsibility.
- Accounting & finance – areas of focus relative to the MFP/MPS financial benchmarking model, Balance Sheet / Income Statements, Cash Flows and Key Financial Ratios.
- President’s report – Financial Components – what should you look at, how often should you review, and what level of drill down should occur based on the results of the data.
- Service operations – Primary Drivers of Operational and Financial Performance in Service, How to Quantify Your Inefficiencies in Service, Primary Service MUST DO’s that require successful Execution, 5 Things Your Service Manager Should be Expected To Provide You Each Week, Tactics to achieve MFP/MPS service benchmarks.
- Admin operations – Inventory Management / Best Practices, Achieving Receivables portfolio Management benchmarks, Warehousing Best Practices, Effective Payroll practices and controls, Internal I.T. considerations and safeguards.
- Sales operations – Utilize the Pros Sales Playbook for documenting the Expectations of a Sales Professional, Developing quantifiable Sales Assignments, Creating a Sales Culture throughout the organization, Achieving Sales Activity Benchmarks, Effective Prospecting tools, Qualifying and Rapport building practices and questions for MPS, Sales Activity Tracking / Data Base Management, Productive Compensation Structure, Leasing considerations for the future.
- MPS phase 2&3 managed network services – Selling Managed Networks Services as part of an MPS strategy, Organizing your dealership for Managed Network Services, Managed Network Services Benchmarks, Effective Network operations center Management.
- Acquisition considerations – Explore the strategies behind successful acquisitions, Learn the detail of the steps involved in a thorough acquisition process, Acquisition best practices, Protecting yourself, Integrating the acquisition.
- Strategic planning / leadership – Appropriate Utilization of the three leadership styles in the day to day operations of a dealership, Identifying and developing future leaders, Setting and achieving appropriate personal and business goals, Developing a situation analysis and identifying quality starting points for planning, Creating SMART Action
- Plans, Critical Performance measurements that drive performance.
Leadership Skills, Strategic Planning and Goal Setting Training
- Leadership skills – Aligning with a leadership style, Assessing your own leadership strengths and, Review and Understanding of how to adopt the 10 top leadership styles, Process for Identifying Potential leaders for future growth, Core Leadership Activities and how to prioritize your day.
- Goal setting – Identifying with the 3% who regularly set and achieve goals, Review of the 7 steps to goal setting, Assessing where you are at and where you want to be, Turning a wish list into strategic direction, Creating your own goals, Ensuring the credibility of the goal, Follow up process that insures achievement.
- Developing a strategic plan – Explanation of the 9 Step process for developing a strategic plan, Creating a Cultural Conduct Statement, Conducting a thorough Situation Analysis to develop a solid starting point for the plan, Conducting a SWOT analysis, Identifying the four most important strategic objectives for your company’s upcoming year, Developing Smart action plans to achieve the strategic objectives, Setting a P&L that links to the strategic objectives, Tying key business strategies to Critical performance measurements, Schedules that insure utilization of the plan, Quarterly strategic plan.