Do you employ the six critical Sales Prospecting activities every month in your business? If you do, do you know how to audit those activities to improve the quality of your results?
Finally, do you receive a one page report on your desk every Monday that tells you exactly where you are in achieving your forecast?
The Pros Elite Group Sales consulting team has put together an execution based sales management process that drives performance in selling activities and increases hardware sales.
Our 8 Stage Process
Assessment & Identification. We spend two days with you understanding all aspects of your current organization, your market, your marketing programs, your sales activity and sales financial measurements.
We benchmark your performance and provide you a thorough write up to show you where your initial opportunities exist against these industry benchmarks.
We develop action plans to get your way to executing against the bench-marks and clearly define the expectations and responsibilities of the Sales Representatives, Sales Managers and Sales VP.
We install the Sales organization calendar and position the “6 critical prospecting strategies” throughout the month to insure supercharged activity results. We show you how to audit sales prospecting activities to insure greater prospecting productivity which drives sales results.
Execution phase begins with twice monthly feedback sessions to review execution against the action plans.
Development of a customize playbook to documents future sales organization best practices for your organization.
Development of a Sales training continuum for your sales organization.
Development of customized dashboard of selling activity and financial results to augment the Dealer principal’s grasp of their sales organization.
Pros Elite Group is introducing the industry’s first sales playbook with complete sales productivity tracking process
This sales tool uses proven sales activity and financial benchmarks as its backbone to provide a systematic method, that we have developed, to deliver higher levels of quality activity and more consistent sales results. The customizable dashboard will work with most CRMs to produce a single page dashboard report of critical performance measurements that will enable you to tie weekly activities to monthly results. Now you will know if each weeks performance is consistent with and tied to the achievement of your monthly forecasts.
In addition, our extensive analysis allows us to identify the top MPS opportunities to pursue.
Without this basic foundation in place and without using the proper method to create your sales playbook and implementing an effective sales productivity tracking process, achieving industry sales benchmarks will be impossible.
To learn more about the results businesses accrue from choosing consulting from Pros Elite Group, download our latest results spreadsheet here.